We thank God that Anna has come through two different surgeries in the past month beautifully. One surgery was extremely easy - ear tubes, bonding placed on teeth, and stint built. Second surgery, cleft palate repair....not so easy. Apparently, Anna's cleft palate was extremely wide. So the surgery was quite complicated. We are so grateful for the expertise that we have using Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and the Cranio-Facial team there. Dr. Williams, head of the Cranio-Facial team, performed the surgery.
Anna says: "no photos please!!"

Scary times as she came out of surgery - these are on

day 2 - after lots of the swelling and bruising had gone down. And this is Anna's favorite part of the entire adventure...moma and Granny Reba circled the 2nd floor of the hospital MANY times with Anna in a little red wagon and all her equipment in tow!