Anna started to day school very quickly following our return from China. Our social worker gave us some good advice. She told me if I was planning to go back to work full time, I should ease Anna into day care as quickly as Anna was comfortable doing it. This was because she was already so used to a group environment there was no reason to remove her from a group environment for several months, get her used to one-on-one every day and then try to re-transition her back into a group environment. So one month after we got Anna, she started day school at the same preschool that Kent attended. The staff and director (and needless to say Russ, Granny Reba and I) were amazed at her ease of transition. She loves to jump right into the activities that are going on with the class -- painting, singing, story time, playground, etc. She didn't cry the first day that I left her (she was distracted by a cute little boy's t-shirt that had Christmas lights blinking - thank goodness!) but she did cry every day after that for about a week. Now it's hit or miss. And she only cries for a minute or two. She was even in the preshool's christmas program. Can you see her there in the little angel's costume beside her teachers? She didn't know a word of what they were singing but she stood up there as pretty as you please! I was so proud of her. She is courageous and determined beyond words.

Spencer picking up Anna on her first day of class. She was so thrilled to see us! Everyday when we pick her up, she runs to us laughing and screaming. The teachers think it is so cute. And, of course, the boys love it!
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