In China, Anna bonded with me rather quickly. But it definintely took her more time to bond with Russ. And when you think of it, it is understandable completely. She had most likely never seen Westerners before and she had most likely never seen a man (other than in the hospital a year ago when she went for cleft lip surgery)...so Russ was a very big, scary person to her. She literally cried and screamed the first few times he tried to come near her after "Gotcha Day". So our strategy was that whenever possible, Russ fed her. And it seemed to work. Before we left China, she was doing much better with him -- even going to him and being playful around him.

As you can see by these photos...I am thrilled to tell you that Anna has totally bonded with "Ba-Ba" (Mandarin for Daddy). And she loves him dearly.
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