To say things got extremely hectic during our trip to China and back home would be an understatement. I failed to keep up the blog but am now going to try to catch up and build upon what I started in China. Here's a chronological listing of what transpired while we were in China:
10/29: Left Atlanta for China
10/30: Arrived in China - Russ and I went out for "Beijing Duck" dinner - we teased that this was our last meal as parents of "boys only"!! :-)
10/31: Our visit to the Great Wall of China and a hutong. We also met up with Jill and Tom for dinner. Jill and I met over the internet before we knew were were traveling together or before we even knew we were both with the same adoption agency! Jill and Tom were there to adopt a precious little boy, Quinn.
11/1: Our "gotcha day" with Anna...we were so thrilled and so terrified at the same time...we really wanted to get home to the medical specialists to help us understand the severity of her condition and determine plans to correct. She is so very small...20 pounds at 25 months.
11/2: Our phenomenal guide in China, Leah Zhang, took us to "The Place" to allow some fun bonding time with the kids. It was a place with lots of soft things for the kids to crawl on / play on. Anna had a wonderful time. This was the first time that I saw her smile and giggle. As she threw her head back with laughter, this was also the first time I saw her cleft palate. She had such a great time. And to be as little as she is, she tried everything! Nothing stopped her. We went to the Super Walmart (yes, that's right) and bought supplies for Anna. While Anna and I were waiting for Russ to check out, a very old Chinese gentleman walked up to me. He was so kind and asked who I was and who Anna was. He spoke beautiful English which is very rare a Chinese gentleman of his age. After our brief conversation, he looked me in the eyes and told me what a lucky little girl Anna is and what a wonderful life she will now have. I thought I was going to break down and cry. It was one of the most moving things that has ever happened to me. I knew we were so blessed to have Anna. I also spoke to my mom that night and she shared with me some words I'll never forget. Those two events of encouragement (the Chinese gentlemen's comments and my mom's words) made all the difference.
11/3: Today we went to the Beijing Civil Affairs office and our adoption was finalized in China. When the government official stated that once we signed the papers, we could not give Anna back, Russ put out his hand for her to shake on it (like you can't take her back either). You could tell she was obviously surprised and seemed very happy that we were so thrilled to make that committment. We also went to the notary office, and went and got Anna's passport application. Anna really had a rough time at the notary office crying and screaming. I felt badly for the other families and the workers there. But it is such a huge adjustment for her.
11/4: A day of fun! We took Anna to see the Olympic village - the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube. It was so much fun and you could tell that many of the Chinese tourist there, from all over China, had never seen Westerners.
11/5: Visited the Temple of Heaven...but it was VERY rough. Let's say Anna does NOT like taxis. Once we got out of the taxi, it seemed like it was going to be okay. We saw many elderly Chinese people doing their morning exercise, dance, and tai chai. Then Anna began crying and would not stop for about 35 mins. No matter what. She kept crying and screaming. The guide tried to help but the second time she tried to take her, I told her that I wanted Anna to get to know me for comfort. Anna really liked the guides to speak to her in Mandarin and that usually calmed her down. We learned that the guides are not supposed to play with and hold the children as that confuses them and interrupts the bonding experience with the new parents. A kind elderly Chinese woman offered Anna her tangerine. We finally had to leave the tour and grab a cab home (lovely, another cab ride!) but we got home and things got back to normal.
11/6: A visit to the Forbidden City and Summer Palace with our guide Tom. He was quite a character and very knowledgeable. As Leah said "he is quite detailed". At the summer palace an elderly Chinese woman came up and wanted to talk with me. She had never seen a Westerner and wanted her photograph made with me. I also got my photo made with her and her husband on our camera. She and her husband were very kind. Both the Forbidden City and Summer Palace were facinating and Anna did well at both places. Thank goodness!!
11/7: Today we went to Anna's finding place. Leah Zhang, with our adoption agency in China, was phenomenal at doing research and trying to get as much information as possible and translating it for us. Anna was found at the East Gate of the Final Station of Bus No. 28. She was found at 5:30am by a woman on her way to work. She was wrapped in a blanket with a note that stated she was born on 10/9/06 in the "midnight" at 12:20am. It states that she drinks milk well and is healthy. But her parents could not give her medical care and hoped kind people could help her. It was very moving to know that her parents kept her for 15 days before making the decision to give her up. And that they did it so that she could have a better life. It must have been so hard because she is such a precious child. That afternoon we went out to lighten things up a bit. On our way to Tiennamin square, we ran into a "student" who took us to his studio and did some art work for Anna. We'll hang that in her room. The government buildings and the big picture of Mao were surreal to see in person after seeing them on the television during so much conflict in China.
11/8: Today we went with our friends Tom and Jill to Confusious temple and Buddist temple. The guide we had used previously in the week (Tom) took us. Anna did pretty well today.
11/9: All I can remember about Sunday, 11/9, is that we went to dinner with Tom and Jill - always going to fun and good local places with them. And Russ got REALLY sick that night. As sick as I have ever seen him. I was petrified. We had to fly to Guangzhou the next day so that we could go to the US Consolate. Our entire trip was planned around that Consolate visit. I was so scared for Russ being sick (too afraid for him to go to the hospital in the middle of the night in China and he probably couldn't have gotten there anyway -- nor would he have agreed to go!) and so afraid we would miss our flight and our US Consolate appointment. And then it would delay getting Anna home.
11/10: It was a mess. But Russ was so phenomenal. I have no idea how he made it through the Beijing airport and on the plane...but he did! We made the flight. Anna did really well all morning as we packed and ate breakfast by ourselves trying to stay out of the room when possible so Russ could sleep. She finally got cranky at the airport and a kind elderly Chinese woman came up and asked "May I help you?" and I gratefully accepted her help. She spoke to Anna in Mandarin and got her calmed down. Anna did BEAUTIFULLY on her first flight ever - from Beijing to Guangzhou. She sat in her seat and played with her books and toys out of the backpack Auntie Ellen sent with us. She was an angel. I was saying my prayers of thanks to God the entire way!! Once we landed it was late and we had a bus ride to take to get to the hotel. She threw an absolutely fit at the airport (screaming, kicking, scratching in the baby carrier I carried her in) and during the bus ride. I was just so grateful it wasn't on the plane!
11/11: Today was medical clinic visit to ensure it was okay to bring her to the US and then SHOPPING in Guangzhou. It was so fun and the people are very friendly. Eating breakfast at the White Swan hotel was so interesting. The entire restaurant is full of adoptive families with their new Chinese children.
11/12: Photos were taken of the children in our travel group on the "red couch". Anna looks adorable in her red traditional outfit on the couch with Quinn, Melia, and Ari (and all the other wonderful children from the other provinces!).
11/13: Final day of shopping and hanging out with our new friends that we made in China. We leave tomorrow for home!
11/14: We left our hotel rooms at 4:30am to go to the airport. After much to do about nothing, we were ticketed and on our way home! It took 34 hours of travel (including stops and delays) to get Anna home...but we made it. And she did exceptionally well on the flights!! Only 2 times did she cry on the planes and one time at the airport -- which I thought was tremendous considering everything. When we landed in Newark, NJ on 11/14/2008 (Spencer's 8th Birthday), Anna became an American citizen. When we got home, Granny Reba had promised the boys that she would wake them up...and she did! They were thrilled. I'll never forget the look of awe and wonderment on their faces the first time they saw their little sister - it was amazing! True love. Mom and I stayed up and talked for hours after Spencer, Kent and Russ went to bed. It had been an amazing 2.5 weeks. I wanted to hear everything mom wanted to share about the boys and she wanted to hear everything I wanted to share about Anna and our trip to get her!
10/29: Left Atlanta for China
10/30: Arrived in China - Russ and I went out for "Beijing Duck" dinner - we teased that this was our last meal as parents of "boys only"!! :-)
10/31: Our visit to the Great Wall of China and a hutong. We also met up with Jill and Tom for dinner. Jill and I met over the internet before we knew were were traveling together or before we even knew we were both with the same adoption agency! Jill and Tom were there to adopt a precious little boy, Quinn.
11/1: Our "gotcha day" with Anna...we were so thrilled and so terrified at the same time...we really wanted to get home to the medical specialists to help us understand the severity of her condition and determine plans to correct. She is so very small...20 pounds at 25 months.
11/2: Our phenomenal guide in China, Leah Zhang, took us to "The Place" to allow some fun bonding time with the kids. It was a place with lots of soft things for the kids to crawl on / play on. Anna had a wonderful time. This was the first time that I saw her smile and giggle. As she threw her head back with laughter, this was also the first time I saw her cleft palate. She had such a great time. And to be as little as she is, she tried everything! Nothing stopped her. We went to the Super Walmart (yes, that's right) and bought supplies for Anna. While Anna and I were waiting for Russ to check out, a very old Chinese gentleman walked up to me. He was so kind and asked who I was and who Anna was. He spoke beautiful English which is very rare a Chinese gentleman of his age. After our brief conversation, he looked me in the eyes and told me what a lucky little girl Anna is and what a wonderful life she will now have. I thought I was going to break down and cry. It was one of the most moving things that has ever happened to me. I knew we were so blessed to have Anna. I also spoke to my mom that night and she shared with me some words I'll never forget. Those two events of encouragement (the Chinese gentlemen's comments and my mom's words) made all the difference.
11/3: Today we went to the Beijing Civil Affairs office and our adoption was finalized in China. When the government official stated that once we signed the papers, we could not give Anna back, Russ put out his hand for her to shake on it (like you can't take her back either). You could tell she was obviously surprised and seemed very happy that we were so thrilled to make that committment. We also went to the notary office, and went and got Anna's passport application. Anna really had a rough time at the notary office crying and screaming. I felt badly for the other families and the workers there. But it is such a huge adjustment for her.
11/4: A day of fun! We took Anna to see the Olympic village - the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube. It was so much fun and you could tell that many of the Chinese tourist there, from all over China, had never seen Westerners.
11/5: Visited the Temple of Heaven...but it was VERY rough. Let's say Anna does NOT like taxis. Once we got out of the taxi, it seemed like it was going to be okay. We saw many elderly Chinese people doing their morning exercise, dance, and tai chai. Then Anna began crying and would not stop for about 35 mins. No matter what. She kept crying and screaming. The guide tried to help but the second time she tried to take her, I told her that I wanted Anna to get to know me for comfort. Anna really liked the guides to speak to her in Mandarin and that usually calmed her down. We learned that the guides are not supposed to play with and hold the children as that confuses them and interrupts the bonding experience with the new parents. A kind elderly Chinese woman offered Anna her tangerine. We finally had to leave the tour and grab a cab home (lovely, another cab ride!) but we got home and things got back to normal.
11/6: A visit to the Forbidden City and Summer Palace with our guide Tom. He was quite a character and very knowledgeable. As Leah said "he is quite detailed". At the summer palace an elderly Chinese woman came up and wanted to talk with me. She had never seen a Westerner and wanted her photograph made with me. I also got my photo made with her and her husband on our camera. She and her husband were very kind. Both the Forbidden City and Summer Palace were facinating and Anna did well at both places. Thank goodness!!
11/7: Today we went to Anna's finding place. Leah Zhang, with our adoption agency in China, was phenomenal at doing research and trying to get as much information as possible and translating it for us. Anna was found at the East Gate of the Final Station of Bus No. 28. She was found at 5:30am by a woman on her way to work. She was wrapped in a blanket with a note that stated she was born on 10/9/06 in the "midnight" at 12:20am. It states that she drinks milk well and is healthy. But her parents could not give her medical care and hoped kind people could help her. It was very moving to know that her parents kept her for 15 days before making the decision to give her up. And that they did it so that she could have a better life. It must have been so hard because she is such a precious child. That afternoon we went out to lighten things up a bit. On our way to Tiennamin square, we ran into a "student" who took us to his studio and did some art work for Anna. We'll hang that in her room. The government buildings and the big picture of Mao were surreal to see in person after seeing them on the television during so much conflict in China.
11/8: Today we went with our friends Tom and Jill to Confusious temple and Buddist temple. The guide we had used previously in the week (Tom) took us. Anna did pretty well today.
11/9: All I can remember about Sunday, 11/9, is that we went to dinner with Tom and Jill - always going to fun and good local places with them. And Russ got REALLY sick that night. As sick as I have ever seen him. I was petrified. We had to fly to Guangzhou the next day so that we could go to the US Consolate. Our entire trip was planned around that Consolate visit. I was so scared for Russ being sick (too afraid for him to go to the hospital in the middle of the night in China and he probably couldn't have gotten there anyway -- nor would he have agreed to go!) and so afraid we would miss our flight and our US Consolate appointment. And then it would delay getting Anna home.
11/10: It was a mess. But Russ was so phenomenal. I have no idea how he made it through the Beijing airport and on the plane...but he did! We made the flight. Anna did really well all morning as we packed and ate breakfast by ourselves trying to stay out of the room when possible so Russ could sleep. She finally got cranky at the airport and a kind elderly Chinese woman came up and asked "May I help you?" and I gratefully accepted her help. She spoke to Anna in Mandarin and got her calmed down. Anna did BEAUTIFULLY on her first flight ever - from Beijing to Guangzhou. She sat in her seat and played with her books and toys out of the backpack Auntie Ellen sent with us. She was an angel. I was saying my prayers of thanks to God the entire way!! Once we landed it was late and we had a bus ride to take to get to the hotel. She threw an absolutely fit at the airport (screaming, kicking, scratching in the baby carrier I carried her in) and during the bus ride. I was just so grateful it wasn't on the plane!
11/11: Today was medical clinic visit to ensure it was okay to bring her to the US and then SHOPPING in Guangzhou. It was so fun and the people are very friendly. Eating breakfast at the White Swan hotel was so interesting. The entire restaurant is full of adoptive families with their new Chinese children.
11/12: Photos were taken of the children in our travel group on the "red couch". Anna looks adorable in her red traditional outfit on the couch with Quinn, Melia, and Ari (and all the other wonderful children from the other provinces!).
11/13: Final day of shopping and hanging out with our new friends that we made in China. We leave tomorrow for home!
11/14: We left our hotel rooms at 4:30am to go to the airport. After much to do about nothing, we were ticketed and on our way home! It took 34 hours of travel (including stops and delays) to get Anna home...but we made it. And she did exceptionally well on the flights!! Only 2 times did she cry on the planes and one time at the airport -- which I thought was tremendous considering everything. When we landed in Newark, NJ on 11/14/2008 (Spencer's 8th Birthday), Anna became an American citizen. When we got home, Granny Reba had promised the boys that she would wake them up...and she did! They were thrilled. I'll never forget the look of awe and wonderment on their faces the first time they saw their little sister - it was amazing! True love. Mom and I stayed up and talked for hours after Spencer, Kent and Russ went to bed. It had been an amazing 2.5 weeks. I wanted to hear everything mom wanted to share about the boys and she wanted to hear everything I wanted to share about Anna and our trip to get her!
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