We arrived home from China after midnight on Spencer's birthday, 11/14, which was a Friday. So we waited to celebrate his birthday at school until the following Monday, 11/17. He wanted his class to meet Anna as they had talked about the adoption process during the school year and his classmates knew his mom and dad were in China getting his sister. So for his birthday celebration, he asked if he could bring Anna in to help him celebrate. Of course his phenomenal teacher said yes and she took this precious photo of Spencer showing off his brand new little sister. His expression says it all...he is madly in love! And so proud of her.
What a wonderful thing for Spencer to do. It shows a caring and sensitive heart. Anna is just a doll and you can see that she is fitting in perfect with the Lucas family. I am so happy for you all
Oh Susan, this post made me just well up! Such a beautiful story of your family...
Kate Huck Marschke
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